Welcome to the updated merkelcell.org!
October 18, 2016
On October 18, 2016, we launched a major revision of the www.merkelcell.org website. The original website was created in the summer of 2004, by Dr. Nghiem & members of his lab, with technical support from friends at www.digizyme.com. Over its 12 years in service, that website eventually became the the top hit (on most days!) for “Merkel cell carcinoma” at Google, Bing & Yahoo, with over 100,000 unique visitors per year. Many patients from around the world benefitted from practical information about how to manage this challenging, rare cancer. Such patient-friendly, updated information on MCC was otherwise very difficult to access and many physicians were of course unfamiliar with how to manage this rare cancer. An image of the now-retired website is below. We’re excited to welcome all new and returning visitors to the newly redesigned site!